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The Lonely Entrepreneur, Micheal Dermer, Joins Our Speaker Line-up

July 23, 2020 by STEP Conference

Living through the “perfect storm” – 2008 global economic crisis survivor, Micheal Dermer, author of The Lonely Entrepreneur, joins us at STEP Anywhere.

2020 has given us some major throwback to the economic crisis that took place back in 2007 – 2008 around the world. Michael Dermer was one of those who experienced it and he joins us at STEP Anywhere this August to share with us the similarities and key learnings from his experience that every entrepreneur can implement in their journey in times of crisis.

An entrepreneur authority, lawyer, speaker, coach, and author of The Lonely Entrepreneur, Micheal leads The Lonely Entrepreneur and its mission to help entrepreneurs turn their passion into success. Michael is a sought after authority and speaker and has appeared in national and international media outlets (MSNBC, CBS, ABC, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Huffington Post, Telemundo) and has keynoted and acted as judge in over 100 events serving entrepreneurs in the United States, Mexico, China, India, the UAE, Croatia, Singapore, Spain, and other countries throughout the world.

Get your regular tickets here to catch Micheal and more of our global speaker line-up!

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