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Media Coverage Redefined

July 1, 2020 by STEP Conference

Media coverage has always been an obsession for the corporate world, brands, and personalities. Coverage not only reflects the happenings and the facts, but emphasizes the importance of a certain happening, and empowers it.

In the world of ‘mass media’, the concept of ‘media coverage’ has certainly evolved: From the basic text reporting, all the way to audio-visual coverage, up until live streaming and social media videos.

Nowadays, ‘digital media coverage’ refers to the entire portfolio of articles, video content or other types of digital content where a story/brand/event/personality is discussed or shown.

But how could we move into something that is more advanced, more custom, and more tech-oriented? How can we evolve from ‘mass’ to ‘niche’? and what is the best way to get the right coverage reach the right audience?

An innovative solution

Limelines is the MENA region’s first content curation platform which uses the latest technologies in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to customize the reading experience of its users. Upon creating your Limelines profile, the platform will ask you to select the topics that drive you most and that you would like to stay informed about. The system will then craft and personalize your reading feed to your desire in a way to keep you always in the know, on the go.

Limelines partners with thousands of publishers across the MENA region to provide its readers with a comprehensive collection of stories which they can enjoy in English, Arabic, and French.

Reaching this point, how would that highly dynamic and complex platform excel in media coverage?

Limelines’ solutions are numerous, and the platform enjoys redefining the capacities of what a media coverage can do, driven by the power of curation art and storytelling tools. Rather than any mainstream mass media coverage, Limelines is more selective and targeted. It sits at this nice intersection between human talent and machine-led functionality to provide a one-of-a-kind personalized service to its audience.

Curation at its best

Through its ‘Curations’, it collects and groups a series of stories from millions of articles, features, podcasts and videos the platform hosts, to reveal trends and share analytical insights worth discovering. Most importantly, it can create the most comprehensive yet targeted media coverage. Comprehensive, as it sources information from the diverse MENA publishers. Think of it as your industry specialized, tech-advanced, media partner. Targeted, as it addresses its audience by the topic they follow, which guarantees the most efficient and impactful media reach for the coverage. Limelines’ sophisticated notification and newsletter services also assure the best direct distribution of information to your specific audience. 

From advertising to storytelling

Limelines brings to the MENA region the latest in the world of storytelling (advertising). Thus, it created special solutions to allow brands to tell their story. Away from intrusive ads, its mobile solutions are seamless, yet again targeted. In a region’s first, your event can be communicated through full screen images, storyboards, native articles, and videos. Rather than announcing your event randomly, Limelines allows you to reach out to your selected audience and makes sure your campaign finds attentive recipients. 

Limelines is your disruptive media partner. From content to brand solutions, let’s make coverage a new art.

Do you have a story you want to share with us?